Invited keynote speakers
Leticia Cugliandolo, Sorbonne University (Paris), France
Recent studies of random matrices (motivated by MBL)
Christoph Dellago, University of Vienna, Austria
Finding the needle in the haystack: machine learning for rare event simulations
Massimiliano Esposito, University of Luxemburg
Macroscopic stochastic thermodynamics
Robert Holyst, Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw), Poland
The first and second law of global non-equilibrium thermodynamics
Gerhard Kahl, Technical University Vienna, Austria
Microswimmers learning chemotactic navigation via genetic algorithms
Giorgio Parisi, Sapienza (University of Rome), Italy
Balazs Pozsgay, Eotvos Lorand University (Budapest), Hungary
Free fermions beyond Jordan and Wigner
Masahito Ueda, University of Tokio, Japan
Eigenstate thermalization hypothesis: locality and range of interactions
Chantal Valeriani, Compultense University of Madrid, Spain
Structural and mechanical properties of active materials: from Active Brownian Particles to bacterial biofilms
Marko Žnidarič, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Don't judge matrices by their spectra